Top Five SEO Tips

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s (e.g. Google) “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results.  Generally speaking, the higher ranked on the search results page a website is, and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users.

SEO, an internet marketing strategy, may target different kinds of search, including but not limited to image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.

Top five tips to help you with your website’s SEO include:

Tip 1 – Don’t abuse your links

Google is known for its complex methods and ranking algorithms – which may be daunting to a first time search engine optimizer. Focus on gaining meaningful and relevant exposure and links to your website to produce relevant traffic.

Tip 2 – Keywords are gold

When using keywords in your website copy, make sure to keep it relevant and don’t tag vaguely related keywords – this may cause you to be penalized by Google. Focus on search phrases, not single keywords, and put your location in your website copy (“our Sydney flagship store” not “our store”) to assist you to be found in local searches.

Tip 3 – Quality over quantity!

Offer quality written articles to e-magazines that are relevant to your business or industry. Most e-magazines archive past issues, you reach new audiences and potential customers. Remember, this article will represent your brand, so be proud of all work that is produced!

Tip 4 – Map out your site with a sitemap

Incorporate a sitemap on your webpage that links to and from every single page on your website –this helps search engine robots such as Google spiders to easily navigate your website and for indexing purposes.

Tip 5 – Check all links

Check all the links to, from and within your website are all working. Broken links are the last thing you want on your website – it interferes with search engine robots indexing your website and all SEO work you have done to your website may not be used to its fullest potential.

Managing these activities optimises the likelihood of customers finding your content. Clarity Marketing & Communication can work with you to optimise your content and ensure your customers find your site. Call us on +61 411 139 881 for further information or by submitting an online enquiry today.