Successful Video Marketing Tips

Video may be the fastest growing form of content marketing but they have been show to have a short shelf life. Videos seem to decline in views and engagement after a matter of weeks, meaning your video could go viral but then be forgotten soon after. Fortunately, there are many ways to fight this and improve your video marketing efforts.

Optimise Meta Data
Review your description, tags, titles, keywords and playlists which all have a vital part in helping people find your videos when they are searching for a topic. As your business evolves, relevant keywords may change and it is important to you’re your content updated. Sometimes even updating your video thumbnail to make it more relevant to the topic will give it a new look and encourage more views. 

Regularly Produce Videos
If your brand is consistently gaining more exposure from your latest videos, your new videos may bump people back to your old videos, suggesting your other content as something they may be interested in. It is important to renew your content and revamp old ideas for your brand to continue to gain exposure and provide value to your followers.

Redirect Viewers to your Video
You can also refer to older videos in your latest videos to encourage your audience to view your other content. Create annotations that pop up on your new videos that will link to your previous content or include the link in the description box to drive traffic. 

Use Social Media
Instead of waiting for your video to be found in the large world of YouTube content, promote it to your social media accounts as well as your website and re-share it a few weeks later to keep the traffic coming.

There are so many benefits for a business using videos as part of their marketing strategy. Videos can help increase brand awareness, help customers with purchase decisions and build a stronger relationship with your customers. If you need help with any aspect of your marketing strategy, please call Clarity Marketing on 1300 060 204 or submit an online enquiry.