How to Incorporate Inbound Marketing into your PR Strategy

Inbound marketing is any interactive marketing tactic that seeks to earn people’s interest rather than buying it and is seen as the most effective form of online marketing. Inbound marketing focuses on being found by a customer, is cost effective and has become a popular technique for small business public relations (PR). Inbound marketing techniques […]

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4 Ways to use Social Media in PR

Are you wondering how you can incorporate social media in your public relations strategy? It is clear that social media has drastically changed the PR world and is an important tool used to interact and connect with clients and customers. Instead of sending out press releases and waiting for the media to publish your story, […]

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Five Ways to Build and Maintain Business Relationships

Businesses that make an effort to maintain successful business-to-business relationships are rewarded with goodwill in both their online and offline networks. By taking the time to acknowledge relationships with other professionals, businesses also increase the odds of gaining additional work from acquaintances beyond their immediate circle.

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