How to Design Effective Printed Collateral

Marketing is about using multiple mediums to express your brand’s message and attract customers. Although one may think printed collateral isn’t necessary in today’s digital era, relying solely on online marketing may result in your business missing out on potential customers. A well-designed booklet, brochure or flyer will remind your prospect of your brand and […]

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9 Mistakes to Avoid when Creating your Business Logo

A company logo should express the best qualities of a business in a simple and memorable way. With a well-designed logo, customers can easily identify your business and discover how you can help them. Your logo is a visual representation of what your company stands for and for the long-term success of your business, it […]

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3 Ways Interactive Marketing Can Help Your Brand Stand Out

Customers are blasted with thousands of marketing messages every day, whether it is while walking down the street or watching television. It is important for your small business to stand out from the crowd with a marketing approach that will gain your customers attention. Interactive marketing allows your business to reach customers on a personal […]

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The Future of Mobile Search Marketing

In the past few years it is evident that mobile internet usage has vastly exceeded desktop internet browsing although surprising that 60% of Australia’s leading businesses don’t have a mobile-friendly website. The desktop version of your website should be readable and useable on a mobile device, enabling your consumers to quickly find information about your […]

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What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation refers to technology that allows businesses to more effectively market on multiple online channels such as email, social media, websites etc. The automation technology allows you to automate repetitive tasks and efficiently deliver engaging content, with the aim to turn prospects into customers. So do you need marketing automation for your business? Read […]

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